The Clubs Panathlon
1. Clubs constitute the members of P. I. They are set up and function in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and of the Regulations. The club is represented by its President elected by the Members’ Assembly.
2. Every Club is governed by its own Statue, styled on the model of the Guidelines issued by the International Board and declared executive by the President's Committee.
3. Clubs organize meetings in the course of the year.
4. Clubs are required to:
a) timely forward to the General Secretariat, to the District President and to the Area Governor, all information relating to changes in membership and in the composition of Club bodies and activities;
b) forward, every year, to these same recipients, within 31 March, the moral and financial report on past activities, together with the minutes of the Members’ Assembly;
c) timely pay P.I. General Secretariat, every year, within the term decided by the President’s Committee, the per capita membership fees determined by the General Assembly;
5. Clubs can form Junior Clubs (PJ), according to the methods established by the regulations in force.