The President’s Committee of PI during the meeting on 4 June, among the various decisions taken, has assessed, taking into account the improvements in the European continent of the pandemic and hoping that this positive situation will soon be repeated in South America and the rest of the world, to maintain the dates of 17-18 October to carry out its Elective Assembly together with the International Congress, in the city of Osimo.
At the next International Board convened for 26 June, the situation will be discussed and re-evaluated and the International Board will make a final decision on the convening of the Assembly, which will still be carried out only if the international health situation allows it and following the instructions of the WHO and the governments.
A question not new and already debated within Panathlon International came up again: the use of the panathletic symbol in the institutional and individual communication of individual members.
At the recent meeting of the President’s Committee, in the face of recent private statements by members on social media, with the display of the symbol, the question was raised about the appropriateness of such free use.
The President’s Committee reiterated the line already adopted in the past to reserve the right to display the symbol only to institutional bodies in their official communications and documentation, namely:
- International bodies
- National districts
- Areas
- Clubs
The individual debate among members is positive and providential for internal dialectics but must take place under the regime of total freedom and therefore engage personal opinions that cannot be supported by the symbol of all.
On Saturday, May 16, a new meeting was held by videoconference with many representatives of the American Districts and International President Pierre Zappelli to discuss the theme "Nueva normalidad del Panathlon". The consequences of the Covid-19 have been explained in the various countries especially in Panathlon."
It was a very fruitful and interesting meeting that aroused a lot of enthusiasm.
Below the excerpts of the interventions received by Eva Szabo Secretary of Panathlon Club Buenos Aires and Ashanti Ramirez Secretary of Panathlon Club Mexico City.
In the coming weeks will follow similar texts.
Der Internationale Rat von Panathlon International, der sich am 3. April 2020 mittels Videokonferenz versammelt hat, spricht allen Panathleten in den 30 Nationen, in denen er tätig ist, und ihren Familien seine Verbundenheit und Solidarität in diesem für die Gesellschaft und die Welt des Sports solch verheerenden Moment aus.
Ein besonderer Gedanke gilt den italienischen Panathleten, die als Erste den zermürbenden Kampf gegen die Covid-19-Pandemie ausfechten mussten und diesen unsichtbaren, tückischen Feind immer noch zu bezwingen haben.
Der IR hat von der Grosszügigkeit vieler Panathlon Clubs Kenntnis erhalten, die Gelder für die Krankenhäuser und den Erwerb lebenswichtigen Sanitätsmaterials gesammelt haben. Diesen Clubs spricht er sein Wohlgefallen und seinen Dank aus, denn sie beweisen ein weiteres Mal, wie sehr Panathlon der Gemeinschaft zu Diensten steht.
Er wünscht allen Panathleten grosses Glück und ruft dazu auf, untereinander in Verbindung und trotz aller Entfernung nahe zueinander zu bleiben. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass die positiven Sportwerte, der Mannschaftsgeist, Ausdauer und Widerstandsfähigkeit Panathlon helfen werden, diese Zeit zu überwinden und mit neuem Bewusstsein und neuer Begeisterung fortzufahren.
Ludis Iungit!
The International Fair Play Committee is calling children and youth around the World to encourage them to participate in a virtual children's drawings exhibition.
„Due to the pandemic, doctors recommend staying at home is the most effective protection to prevent further spread of the Coronavirus. This affects not only adults but also children. Many schools are closed, kids are locked into their homes, where the entertainment options are limited. To facilitate the useful time and to make parents' tasks a little easier International Fair Play Committee announces a drawing exhibition for children. We are waiting for artworks from the very young kids to the juniors that express prevention, attention to each other, play, and generally Fair Play. Thank you for sharing the attached Call on your website or social media channels! Take Care of Yourself!” – Dr. Jenő Kamuti, President of the International Fair Play Committee.
The call is available on and our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels.
Réunion institutionnelle
La réunion du Conseil International aura lieu aujourd’hui 3 avril de 14h30 (heure italienne) à 17h30 par télématique.
Appuntamento istituzionale
La riunione del Consiglio Internazionale si terrà oggi 3 aprile dalle ore 14.30 (ora italiana) alle 17.30 in via telematica.
Institutional meeting
The meeting of the International Board will be held today 3 April from 2.30pm (Italian time) to 5.30pm by telematics.
Anche la Segreteria Generale del PI si è organizzata per seguire le direttive del Governo che hanno decretato tutta l’Italia come “zona rossa” .
Il personale sarà raggiungibile tramite cellulari ai seguenti numeri:
0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403
Nella speranza che si possa tornare presto alla normalità, si invano i più cordiali saluti.
The General Secretariat of PI has adhered to Governmental directives that have decreed all Italy as "red zone".
The following mobile phones will also be available:
0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403
Kind regards
Le Secrétariat Général du PI a adhéré aux directives Gouvernementales qui ont décrété toute l’Italie comme «zone rouge».
Les téléphones portables suivants seront également disponibles:
0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403
On January 10, 2020, the EPOSM project (“Evidence-based Prevention Of Sporting-related Match-fixing”) has been launched with a kick-off meeting at Ghent University. The EPOSM project will run for two years (2020-2021) and is co-funded by the European Commission in the context of the Erasmus+ collaborative partnerships in sport program.
International Literary Contest Awards
Lausanne - 11 January 2020
The award ceremony for the 1st International Literary Contest was held in the Olympic capital of Lausanne in association with the Youth Olympic Games.
At Restaurant Lausanne 2020, in the Flon quarter where the Flame of the Youth Olympic Games shone on the tripod, the Lausanne Club hosted the Medals and Diplomas Ceremony given to the two youth who won the first absolute place. Many representatives of Swiss clubs, Secretary of the Foundation Maurizio Monego and Past International Board Member Renata Soliani attended the event. Unfortunately, President Pierre Zappelli was unable to attend the ceremony, which concluded the path of a project to which he had dedicated himself, because of a knee operation on the same day.
Secretary General Simona Callo, as well as the responsible of PI Representation of Lausanne, Melody Exhenry and President of the Lausanne Panathlon Club Philippe Cottet, welcomed, on behalf of the President, all those present by explaining the objective of the prize and announcing the two absolute winners of the 1st International Literary Contest: Marta Buscaglia (14 years old) of “Felice Casorati Artistic High School” in Novara and Angelo Petrellese (18 years old) of “Roncalli Higher Institute” in Poggibonsi (SI) who, with their works , "Un tuffo al cuore" and "Poesia", respectively won the first absolute prize for the age categories, 11-15 years and 16-19 years.
After reading the Jury's motivations, President of Lausanne Panathlon Club Philippe Cottet awarded gave the gold medals and diplomas to the winners.
Panathlon International offered the stay in Lausanne to the two prize-winners and their companions to participate and discover the Youth Olympic Games and to visit the city and the Olympic Museum.
At the end of the ceremony, the Secretary General thanked all those who collaborated on this PI project and the members of the Club who worked on the installation of a Panathlon International "stand", for the duration of the YOG, to promote our Association and spread our values among young people.
Finally, we would like to wish the two young writers who participated in this exciting moment, every success for the future!
International Literary Contest Prizegiving
The award ceremony of the two absolute winners for the age group of the 1st International Literary Contest announced by Panathlon International will be held on Saturday, January 11th in Lausanne. General Secretary Simona Callo will be present on behalf of Panathlon International.
A double sporting event as Lausanne will host from 9 to 22 January the third edition of the Youth Olympic Games, where the Panathlon International will be present with a stand set up by the Panathlon Club Lausanne for the duration of the games to promote our Association and spread our values, especially among young people.