Conclusioni del XIII Congresso Panamericano
Buenos Aires 3-5 Ottobre 2019
Il ruolo del Panathlon nel nuovo millennio è stato il tema al centro del XIII Congresso Panamericano tenutosi a Buenos Aires dal 3 al 5 ottobre.
Alla presenza delle più alte autorità panathletiche e di diverse delegazioni italiane ed europee, si è discusso sull’importanza che riveste il ruolo del Panathlon nel sostenere lo sviluppo dello sport attraverso la promozione di valori culturali e morali.
Clicca qui per leggere le Conclusioni del Congresso in lingua originale
Fair Play Days, Budapest, 11-14 September 2019
Fair Play Congress - „Promoting the Ethical Values of Sports – 25 Years European Fair Play Movement “
CIFP Award Ceremony
25th EFPM Anniversary and Award Ceremony
P.I. EU was represented at the EWOS Opening Ceremony and Presidency Sport Conference on Safeguarding Children in Sport.
The Opening ceremony took place at the Leppaävaara Sports Park in the presence of the EC Commissioner for Yought & Sport Mr. Navracsics.
At the seminar in the afternoon their was the time to discuss about the role of sport organizations and role of education.
The main topic for the conference the next day was 'Safeguarding Children in Sport'.
Finnish Minister of Sport Hanna Kosonen welcomed the participants and pointed out the importance of national and international collaboration on the issues.
Commissioner Mr. Navracsics insisted on the actions to start sporting as young as possible as a ‘good habit’ wich will most likely become acquainted when started at younger age.
With all the long-life benefits to be expected with these habits.
MR Navracsics was proud of the success of EWOS at this 5thanniversary and hopes that the next EC Comm Mss Maria Gabriel will further develop the initiative and the resolutions of the Tatu convention.
Also combatting sport manipulation and promoting good governance is a big topic. Already 51 projects in EC and 17mil Eu invested in studies and projects (Erasmus+)
Experts from EUA, FIFA IOC, ENGSO, University of Loraine, University of Jyväkylä and more, presented their views and discussed about a large specturm of issues, surveys and projects concerning safegurding children and how to create a safe environment for Sport.
Panathlons Beitrag zu den World Fair Play Awards
Viel Panathlon bewegte sich den Tag, als die World Fair Play Awards im Ratssaal des Rathauses in Pest verliehen wurden.
Die madjarische Hauptstadt empfing die Gäste des Comité International pour le Fair Play (CIFP) mit einem an bedeutenden Momenten reichen Programm.
Der Morgen war einer Konferenz im Hörsaal der Fakultät für Körpererziehung gewidmet, die das European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) ausrichtete um seinen 25. Gründungstag zu feiern. Äusserst interessant der Vortrag von Zsigmond Nagy, der die vom Zusammenhang zwischen Fair Play, Moral und Sportgesetzgebung erzeugten Aussichten veranschaulichte.
Bei der Verleihungsfeier der Preise – siehe die aufgeführte komplette Liste – zählten viele von Panathlon International, der ja Mitglied des CIFP ist, empfohlene Namen zu den Ausgezeichneten.
Fabio Caramel erhielt den Pierre de Coubertin Preis für die Geste aus den Händen des Präsidenten Jeno Kamuti.Der Vorschlag stammte vom Panathlon Club Venedig.
David Smetanine, Preis für die Karriere, war abwesend, weil er paralympische Wettkämpfe austrug. An seiner Stelle nahm die Vizepräsidentin des Clubs Grenoble Marie Claire Nepi, die ihn auch ernannt hatte, den Preis entgegen.
Der französische Club erhielt ebenfalls die Anerkennung für seine Ernennung von Geo Perli, dem die Ehrenurkunde für die Karriere im Fair Play Geiste zuteil wurde.
Eine Ehrenurkunde für die Karriere erhielt ebenso Roberto Camelia auf Vorschlag der 9. Zone – Sizilien. Er erschien in Begleitung sizilianischer Panathleten, die ihn begeistert feierten.
Federico Bollati und Rodolfo Carrera, beide Kandidaten des Clubs Pavia, erhielten je eine Ehrenurkunde für die Geste aus den Händen des Vizepräsidenten des CIFP Maurizio Monego.
Für die Förderung erhielt der CEO der Volleyball Oberliga Massimo Righi den der Club Bononia präsentiert hatte, eine Ehrenurkunde.
Die Freude über Panathlons Beute spiegelte sich in den blauen Augen der Generalsekretärin von P.I. Simona Callo, die in Vertretung des Präsidenten Pierre Zappelli anwesend war.
Es war ein schönes Fest, und das Treffen so vieler Champions, die mit ihren Werten die Menschlichkeit im Sport bezeugen, hat die Gefühle jedes guten Sportlers erquickt.
As every year, Panathlon International has prepared and sent to the IOC its report on the activities held in 2019.
It is part, as a recognized association, of the Olympic Family since 1982 which supports in the actions concordant with the purposes of the panathletic movement.
Opening Panathlon EU Brussels June 20 - 2019
On June 20thPanathlon International had the honor to welcome Mr. Yves Le Lostecque, Head of Unit SPORT DG EAC, at the opening of the Panathlon EU Brussels club.
International President Pierre Zappelli spoke about the important challenge for Panathlon International in supporting the aim of EU in sport and education.
Panathlon’s cradle stood for obvious reason in Italy. As an international Movement for the promotion and dissemination of culture and sport ethics according to the IOC official recognition it is more than logical that Panathlon assumes its responsibility in facilitating the ethical aim of sport in the EU.
Therefor it is promising that the representation of Panathlon in Brussels generates a new club for International members. As an attractive platform for EU citizens the club will facilitate the exchange of good practices and the development of new project to achieve our common ethical goals.
Mr. Arjan van ‘t Veer president of the new club welcomed the audience and focused on the important role of sport in society where quality leisure time has become a priority.
Vice President of Panathlon EU Brussels Mr. Vlaemminck gave a short overview of the club’s program.
In the next month’s Panathlon EU Brussels will focus on three themes:
- the possible exploitation of young athletes: the risk associated with the migration of young football players from Africa
- inclusiveness: age shouldn't be a barrier to playing competitive sports
- the excessive commercialization of Sport
As partner of EWOS the new club will also focus on a program that participates at this European Sport Event.
Réunion de la Commission scientifique et culturelle du 13 au 14 juin 2019 au siège du Panathlon International - Villa Queirolo Rapallo
Riunione Commissione Scientifico Culturale 13 - 14 Giugno 2019 presso la sede del Panathlon International - Villa Queirolo Rapallo
Meeting of the Scientific and Cultural Commission 13 - 14 June 2019 at the headquarters of Panathlon International - Villa Queirolo Rapallo
Mourning in the world of Panathlon International and fencing: Mario Mangiarotti has died at the age of 98 years after a long illness, passing on the fencing baton to to Carola, Edo s’ daughter.
World Medal (silver in Stockholm 1951), son of Olympic fencing champion Giuseppe Mangiarotti and brother of fencers Dario and Edoardo Mangiarotti. A native of Renate, he began his medical career as a cardiologist.
He had been President of the Panathlon Club Bergamo and Governor of what was then “District 2” (currently Area 02 Lombardia) of the Panathlon International and President of the provincial CONI of Bergamo for 25 years.
Mario l'ultimo della dinastia dei Mangiarotti
Panathlon Day, Charter of Fair Play and European Charter of women in sport.
Major preparations in Rapallo, seat of Panathlon International’s headquarters for a series of international events of “District Italy and Area 4 Liguria” that will be held to celebrate Panathlon’s birth occurred 68 years ago!
It should also be remembered that the "Panathlon day" will be celebrated worldwide on 12 June wherever there is presence of a Panathlon Club. An initiative will be promoted to recall that, in the distant 12 June 1951 in Venice, was born this organization of volunteering in sport which currently has about 300 clubs in the world and just under 10000 members.
From 12 to 15 June at "Villa Queirolo" in Rapallo there will be held meetings and gatherings of high importance: the President’s Committee, the International Board, the Scientific and Cultural Commission and the meeting with Peter Verboven President of the University Panathlon Clubs who, with Pierre Zappelli Panathlon International President (Lausanne-CH), Giorgio Costa President District Italy (Rapallo-I) and Simona Callo Secretary General will meet a delegation from the University of Rome, Tor Vergata.
Panathlon delegations from all over the world, Canada, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Brazil will discuss strategic topics, including: proposal for amendments to PI Statute; Reflections on the Charter of Fair Play (already adopted by Panathlon International) and on the European Charter of women's rights in sport; active participation of Panathlon International in international events aimed to protecting children in sport.
On June 13th at the end of these important meetings there will be a gala evening at the “Rapallo Golf Club” organized by all the Ligurian Panathlon Clubs and Governor of Area 4 Germano Tabaroni, which will be the opportunity to reward sports clubs and athletes of the territory who have achieved important results in sport. The evening will be an opportunity to exchange experiences and to strengthen Panathlon friendship, supported by a common vision of sport lived as culture, loyalty and growth.
Vice-President of Special Olympics Italy, Alessandro Palazzotti and Antonio Gozzi, President of the Football Club Virtus Entella which has just been promoted in 2nd Division will also be present at the evening. The Area 04 Liguria of Panathlon, will also reward the champion of Paralympic Judo Asia Giordano from Genoa, accompanied by coach Rosario Valastro.
Once again, Panathlon’s motto "ludis Iungit " will continue to make the Olympic torch shine.