Martedì 13 febbraio si è tenuto il 2° workshop SAMF – Sport Against Match Fixing - presso il Liceo Economico Sociale Terenzio Mamiani di Pesaro, in collaborazione con il Panathlon Club di Pesaro rappresentato dal Presidente Angelo Spagnuolo.
Ad incontrare giovani e adulti per raccontare e aprire un dialogo su uno dei lati oscuri dello sport è stata Barbara Rossi, pedagogista e direttrice sportiva, Past President del Panathlon Pesaro e unica Ambassador per l'Italia del progetto SAMF che vede la partecipazione del Panathlon International come Partner.
L’incontro è stato un successo, ha visto la partecipazione di 80 studenti e atleti e dei loro insegnanti, che attraverso i materiali di sensibilizzazione predisposti dal consorzio, hanno potuto dialogare con i ragazzi e le ragazze anche sugli aspetti sociologici e culturali che possono influenzare i comportamenti illeciti.
Whilst representing Panathlon International, Fabio Figueiras gave an interview this week to the Portuguese Football Federation and its channel TV “Canal 11” from beautiful Switzerland, where the main topic of the interview was the Erasmus+ Project, Sport Against Match-Fixing (SAMF).
In the course of this interview, Fabio Figueiras had, amongst other, the possibility to share insights on Panathlon International’s contribution to SAMF, as well as how SAMF is contributing to mission of Panathlon International, especially when it comes to the education and awareness raising/prevention of wrong practices, such as manipulation of competitions, which are not aligned with the positive sporting and ethical values that Panathlon International stands for, such as an integral, ethical, inclusive, respectful and fair play sports.
Stay tuned for further information on the interview as well as on SAMF, as we are approaching the final conference, which will be held this year, in April.
On the 30 January 2024, the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organised the Erasmus+ Sport Info Day in Brussel (Belgium).
As part of the agenda of the Erasmus+ Sport Info Day, participating speakers discussed policies and procedures related to the application of Erasmus+ projects, as well as provided advice and suggestions on
preparing and submitting proposals, and on the different financial aspects of funding of Erasmus+ projects.
Panathlon International, represented by Fabio Figueiras, participated in-person in the Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2024 in Brussels. In parallel to the different sessions that were planned to occur on this day, there was also opportunity to network and meet different organisations.
Consequently, Panathlon International had the opportunity to interact and exchange with multiple participating organizations, clubs and federations, with whom Panathlon International already collaborated in the past, is still collaborating or is looking forward to potential collaborate in the future.
With this participation, Panathlon International reinforced and showcased its commitment for the promotion and spread of culture and sporting ethics by fostering international collaboration through initiatives like Erasmus+. It was also a good opportunity to disseminate past and current activities and projects where Panathlon International is active, especially the ones related to Erasmus+, such as Evidence-based Prevention of Sporting-related Match-fixing (EPOSM) and Sport Against Match-Fixing (SAMF).
Noteworthy to mention, that the registrations to attend in presence to this event were closed weeks ago, as it had reached full capacity, which shows how well participated this event was.
The Panathlon International Cultural Foundation - "Domenico Chiesa"(hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) of Panathlon International (hereinafter P.I. - 31 Member Countries), in cooperation with the Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (hereinafter FICTS - 130 Member Countries), promotes and organizes the special Video Competition - with free entries - on the theme "OLYMPIC EMOTIONS."
The purpose of the competition is to promote the quality of images that highlight the values of Sport and Olympism and disseminate the principles, on which the World Panathletic Movement is founded, as universal ideals of culture through Sport, intended as an educational tool for social change.
FICTS wants to enhance and promote short films as an original form of expression, to encourage the creativity of those who approach filmmaking, and to offer them the greatest visibility through Sports.
In tiefer Bestürzung und Trauer erfahren wir, dass das Internationale Ratsmitglied Eugenio Guglielmino, Kandidat für die internationale Präsidentschaft, plötzlich gestorben ist.
Er wurde von einem Schlag getroffen, während er seiner Aktivität als Ehrenamtlicher im Roten Kreuz nachging.
Er war Mitglied des Clubs Catania seit 2004, Präsident des Clubs von 2008 bis 2011, Gouverneur der Zone Sizilien von 2016 bis 2019 und Präsident der Wissenschafts-, Erziehungs- und Kulturkommission von P.I.
Der Internationale Präsident, der Internationale Rat, die Generalsekretärin und die gesamte panathletische Familie stehen Maria Rita, der Familie und dem Club Catania in ihrem grossen Schmerz nahe, der sie sie zutiefst erfasst hat, und sprechen ihr aufrichtigstes Beileid aus.
Wir denken an Eugenio mit Verbundenheit auf Grund seiner Intelligenz, Vermittlungsfähigkeit, ehrenhafter und tatkräftiger Tätigkeit für Panathlon International und für die Armen.
Für unsere Bewegung ist es ein grosser Verlust und eine grosse Leere.
Die Beisetzung findet morgen, den 30. Januar, um 15:30 Uhr in Catania in der Kirche Santa Maria della Guardia statt.
On a rainy and cold morning, we called together the youth of KRSG to give some more information on Match Fixing and Safeguarding. These are two topics that are very important to the youngsters who attended, all between the ages of 12 and 14. A lot of young athletes were sick so there were about 23 of us.
The coaches were also present and parents were also invited but that only gave a meagre turnout, which was a pity. We gave them some examples from rowing where match fixing can also be done at a lower level. They were very attentive and asked quite a few questions, which is of course a good thing. They also liked the videos and watching the comic strip on their mobile phones via the QR code.
We then gave them the posters and they hung them up themselves in the club. Again, it was a successful session with a lot of interaction, because that is important, keeping interaction with the children and letting them tell stories and ask questions themselves.
“This is your moment”: IOC President Bach invites young athletes to enjoy their YOG experience at Gangwon 2024
With an unforgettable Opening Ceremony featuring an array of K-pop stars and cultural performers, the Winter Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Gangwon 2024 got underway in style today. The event was hosted simultaneously at the sold-out Gangneung Oval, with 4,500 spectators, plus athletes and other YOG stakeholders, and the fully booked PyeongChang Dome, with 4,300 people.
Auch 2024 schreiben die Kulturstiftung Panathlon International – Domenico Chiesa und die Sportstiftung der Stadt Reggio Emilia in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fondazione Palazzo Magnani den Fotografiewettbewerb aus, der sich an das Leitmotiv der EUROPÄISCHEN FOTOGRAFIE, „Die Natur versteckt sich gern“ mit dem Untertitel «Die Natur des Sports – Sport in der Natur» anlehnt.
Der Wettbewerb findet seinen Abschluss in der Ausstellung, die im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „circuito Off“ des XIX. Fotografia Europea Festivals eingerichtet und von der Fondazione Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia (Italien) vom 26. April bis zum 9. Juni 2024 organisiert wird.
Wir erwarten Euch in grosser Zahl!
Reinhard Seigner, einer der Botschafter von Panathlon International für das Erasmus+ Projekt von Sport Against Match Fixing, hielt seinen zweiten SAMF Workshop in Österreich ab.
Diese Session wurde für die Steirische Basketball Akademie am 11.1.2024 in Graz abgehalten. 30 junge Sportler (männlich und weiblich) im Alter von 14 bis 17 Jahren wurden zum ersten Mal für die Prävention von Match Fixing sensibilisiert.
Einige Spieler sind Mitglieder der U16 und U19 Nationalteams von Basketball Austria.
Auch zwei Trainer nahmen an der Veranstaltung teil. Mit SAMF-Materialien, z.B. Comics und anderen interaktiven Methoden, konnten sich die jungen SportlerInnen mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen.
Die Veranstaltung war ein voller Erfolg.
#panathloninternational #samf #integrity #erasmusPlus #eufundiert
Samf-Workshop in Österreich
Das erste SAMF-Workshop in Österreich fand in der Volleyball-Akademie in Graz in der Steiermark statt. 28 junge Athleten (Mädchen und Jungen) zwischen 15 und 16 Jahren wurden zum ersten Mal über Match Fixing informiert. Auch zwei Trainer nahmen an dem Event teil. Mit der Nutzung von Comics, Kahoot und interaktiven Methoden konnten die Jugendlichen sich mit dem Thema vertraut machen. Das Event verzeichnete einen grossen Erfolg.