The International Committee Fair Play established as the deadline the 15 February 2024, to stand as a candidate for World Awards 2023.

Clubs are invited to send their nominations to the Secretariat not later than 31 January 2024


The International Fair Play Committee held its regular Council meeting in Budapest over the weekend on 21-22 April 2023. At the two-day event, participants decided on the winners of the 2022 Fair Play Awards and discussed several other topics.

Great satisfaction in the Panathlon world for the awards attributed by the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) to the nominations submitted by Panathlon International:

• Jean Borotra Award for career: Diploma to Marco Calamai submitted by Panathlon International Club Bologna 1957;

• Willi Daume Award for promotion: Trophy to Association Stop Racism in Sport and Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelles
Willi Daume Award for promotion: Diploma to the Municipality of Ganshoren and Panathlon Club Wallonie-Bruxelles for the sculpture "Fair Play";

• Jacques Rogge Prize for Youth - Diploma to Edoardo Ferrari submitted by Panathlon International Club Venezia.



The International Committee Fair Play established as the deadline the 15 February 2023, to stand as a candidate for World Awards 2022.

Clubs are invited to send their nominations to the Secretariat not later than 31 January 2023




Great satisfaction in the Panathlon world for the awards given by the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) to the nominations sent by Panathlon International:


  • Trophy  "Jean Borotra CareerMauro Borghi (Panathlon International Club Ferrara - Area 05)

  • Trophy  "Jacques Rogge - Youth" Giovanni Lava (Panathlon International Club Venezia - Area 01)

  • Diploma "Jacques Rogge - Youth" Granamica ASD (Panathlon International Club Bologna - Area 05)  



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa