7 September: Today is World Fair Play Day!
Panathlon International, the Panathlon Club of Wallonie-Bruxelles, the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) and the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) have joined forces to celebrate World Fair Play Day, a sporting initiative designed to promote fair play and ethical values in sport. All sportsmen are invited to highlight fair play initiatives, projects and achievements.
This date was chosen to commemorate the day in 1963 when Jean Borotra, one of the famous 'four musketeers' of French tennis, met in Paris the figures who would later found the International Fair Play Committee.
Several Panathlon Clubs have also promoted initiatives to commemorate and celebrate this day.
The adhesion to the "Manifesto of Fair Play", to which organisations and institutions can adhere and demonstrate a strong commitment to the promotion of fair play in sport and the willingness to cooperate fully in this sporting and social programme, continues with success.
See https://worldfairplayday.org/news/ for all updates.
Happy FAIR PLAY day!!!
Webinar update on World Fair Play Day
Webinar update on World Fair Play Day
Next Thursday 21 January Panathlon International will be engaged in a webinar of update on the World Fair Play Day.
The coordination group currently led by the Club of Wallonie-Bruxelles is composed of Panathlon International, CIFP (International Fair Play Committee) and EFPM (European Fair Play Movement).
Among the topics on the agenda, the dissemination of the Manifesto, the preparation of the event and the WFPD dissemination campaign.
On the 1st of December, in an atmosphere of great collaboration, the first meeting of the Working Group was held by videoconference. It coordinates the World Fair Play Day set on the 7th of September of each year.
Present were the Club of Wallonie-Brussels, promoter of the event, the Head of the International Fair Play Committee, the President and Secretary of EFPM and for Panathlon International the General Secretary Simona Callo.
Several items on the agenda. From the coordination of the group, to the diffusion of the Manifesto from the management of the web site to the promotion campaign, from the celebration of the event in 2021 to the actions to be taken.
At the end of the meeting, the President of the Club of Wallonie Brussels, Philippe Housiaux thanked everyone for the team spirit shown and concluded by saying that " .... we all know that there is a lot of work to do, but we are already speaking the "language of fair play", the most precious of all the languages of the world (and not only in the world of sport)".
The second meeting has already been scheduled for January 2021 in order to update the progress of the work.
World Fair Play Day - 7 September 2020
World Fair Play Day - 7 September 2020
In the heart of Brussels, the first World Fair Play Day was celebrated in the Gothic Hall of the City Hall.
Dearly organised by the Panathlon Club of Wallonie-Brussels, it was attended by the highest authorities of Belgium who enthusiastically greeted this day with the hope that it could become a world and media reference point for ethical actions and correct behaviour in sports competitions.
Present for Panathlon International was Secretary General Simona Callo, who greeted the bystanders.
"It is with great pleasure that I am here to represent President Pierre Zappelli and Panathlon International in this magnificent venue.
We are here to promote an event, I would say epoch-making, that marks the will of the three largest international organisations dealing with Fair Play, to give life to a World Day: from now on, September 7th will be a reference point for all athletes and not only, to recall, reaffirm and promote the values of ethics and Fair Play of which we are convinced supporters and proponents.
A will made even more peculiar by the health crisis of Covid-19 that has not stopped us and that sees us united here to start a new path, strengthen our collaborations and contribute, through the common language of Fair Play, to improve the society in which we live.
I am therefore pleased to present the speech that the President of Panathlon International has dedicated to this event.
Photogallery (Igor Pliner (Belgian Press photograph)
P.C Votorantim - Final da 23ª Copa Brasil de Futebol Infantil
Sub 15 e entrega do Troféu Fair Play, oferecido pelo Panathlon Internacional através do Panathlon Club Votorantim.
O Clube de Regatas Flamengo - RJ, foi a equipe mais disciplinada do evento, pelo seu comportamento dentro e fora de campo, além do menor números de cartões da competição. A entrega do troféu foi realizada pelo vice presidente do Panathlon Club Votorantim, Edson Veronese que acompanhados dos panathletas Pedro Souza, presidente do Panathlon Brasil e os panathletas: o prefeito municipal Fernando Oliveira, o secretário de Esportes, Luciano; o mestre de Cerimônias Robson Conservani; e Conselheiro Paulo Roberto Carbone.
O Panathlon divulgou e premiou Fair Play e o Jogo Limpo em parceria com a Associação Brasileira de Controle ao Dopping - ABCD do Ministério do Esporte, Conselho Regional de Educação Física do Estado de São Paulo (CREF4/SP), UNESCO, Associação Internacional do Fair Play, Federação Internacional de Educação Física Regional de São Paulo (FIEP/SP) e o SESI. A partida final terminou empatada em 0 X 0 no tempo normal e nos penaltis a equipe da Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras venceu por 4 a 1, invertendo o placar da final do ano passado entre as duas equipes.
Reggio Calabria - Premio Fair play del Panathlon al Tennis Europe Junior Master
Panathlon e mondo della racchetta ancora una volta a braccetto nella diciannovesima edizione del Tennis Europe Junior Master, svoltasi a Reggio Calabria sui campi in terra battuta del glorioso Circolo "Rocco Polimeni". Una rassegna che ormai ha conquistato una sua precisa collocazione nel calendario internazionale, perchè rappresenta dal 2001 la maggiore passerella per i futuri talenti del vecchio Continente. In passato, infatti, ha consacrato stelle di prima grandezza come Rafael Nadal, Murray, Zverev, Belinda Bencic, Jelena Ostapenko, Maria Sharapova. Alla fase finale, ospitata per la dodicesima volta nella città dello stretto, vi hanno partecipato 32 atleti tra i 14 e i 16 anni, in rappresentanza di venti Paesi Europei.
Non è mancata la presenza della pattuglia azzurra, in un momento decisamente positivo per il tennis italiano con Mariano Tammaro e Peter Buldorini, impegnati entrambi nel tabellone under 16. Non è andata benissimo per Tammaro, eliminato al primo turno, mentre Buldorini si è fermato in semifinale battuto dallo slovacco Peter Nad (6/2, 4/6, 7/6), poi vincitore del torneo (dopo aver piegato in finale il croato Alen Bill con i parziali di 6/2, 7/5).
Sempre in campo maschile, tra gli under 14 netto il successo di un altro croato, Dino Prizmic, che ha piegato in finale il rumeno Coman (6/4, 7/5) prima testa di serie.
Tra le ragazze under 16, trionfo della russa Ksenia Zayteseva che in finale ha superato in tre set l'italo-svizzera Sebastiana Scilipoti e si è aggiudicata il Premio dell'area 8 del Panathlon, consegnato dal Governatore Antonio Laganà. Il torneo riservato alle atlete under 14 ha incoronato Petra Marcinko (Croazia), vincitrice in due set su Amelie Smejkalova della repubblica ceca.
Il premio Fair Play del Panathlon Club di Reggio, è andato alla polacca Malwina Rowinska. Lo ha ricevuto dalle mani del presidente Tonino Raffa.
Como - Giornata Internazionale del Fair Play
Anticipato di una settimana rispetto al tradizionale appuntamento del terzo sabato di novembre, per il Panathlon di Como è arrivato uno dei momenti più importanti della stagione, ovvero la giornata internazionale del Fair Play, con la consegna dei tre riconoscimenti per il 2019.
Sabato 9 novembre, dalle ore 11:00, nella prestigiosa cornice di Villa del Grumello, saranno insigniti Tullio Abbate – campione e costruttore di motonautica - con il premio alla carriera “Antonio Spallino”, Roberta Amadeo – vincitrice del titolo di campionessa del mondo di handbike - con quello alla promozione “Filippo Saladanna”e Marco Peloso – calciatore dell’Ardita Como – per il gesto “Gabriele Coduri de Cartosio”.
Wallonie-Bruxelles - Fair Play Awards 2018
La grande cérémonie de remise des « Fair Play Panathlon Awards » s’est déroulée ce mardi 24 septembre au Crac’s à Sambreville pour récompenser les plus beaux gestes du sport de l’année 2018.
Une nouvelle occasion pour le Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles de mettre à l'honneur celles et ceux qui font vivre les belles valeurs du sport.
Panathlon’s contribution to the World Fair Play Awards
Panathlon’s contribution to the World Fair Play Awards
There was a lot of Panathlon during the day of the World Fair Play Awards delivery in the Council Chamber of Pest's Town Hall. The Hungarian capital welcomed the guests of the International Fair Play Committee (CIFP) with a programme full of significant moments.
Morning dedicated to a conference in the auditorium of the University of Physical Education promoted by the European Fair Play Movement (EFPM) which wanted to celebrate its 25 years of life. Among the most significant interventions, that of Zsigmond Nagy who illustrated the perspectives arising from the relations between Fair Play, Ethics and Sports Legislation.
The award ceremony – see the full list below – featured many of the names reported by Panathlon International as a member of CIFP.
Fabio Caramel received Pierre de Coubertin Trophy for Gesture from the hands of President Jeno Kamuti. The proposal had come from the Panathlon Club Venice.
David Smetanine winner of the Trophy for the Career was absent because he was involved in Paralympic competitions. Marie Claire Nepi secretary of the Club of Grenoble withdrew the award for him. The French club has made also the name of Geo Perli, who has received the Diploma of Honour for his Career in the spirit of fair play.
Roberto Camelia, proposed by Area 9 – Sicily, has received the Diploma of Honour for Career. He was accompanied by Sicilian panathletes from Syracuse who have widely celebrated him.
Federico Bollati and Rodolfo Carrera, both candidates from the Club of Pavia, received the Diploma of Honour for Gesture from the hands of CIFP Vice-President Maurizio Monego.
Massimo Righi proposed by the Club of Bononia and CEO of the League of Volleyball Serie A has received the Diploma of Honour for “Promotion”.
Panathlon's satisfaction was reflected in the blue eyes of Simona Callo, Secretary General of P.I. representing President Pierre Zappelli. It was a beautiful celebration and the parade of so many champions who, with their values testify sport’s humanity, gratified the feelings that every good sportsman cultivates.
Wallonie-Bruxelles - Panathlon du fair-play : le rugby bien présent !
Organisées par le Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles, les Journées du Fair-Play se déroulent du 7 au 16 septembre. Samedi dernier, plusieurs arbitres de sports différents étaient réunis devant Manneken Pis. Et le rugby était particulièrement bien représenté !