It has been formalised the cooperation agreement between Panathlon International and International Dart Federation, that is the sport that in common slang is called “darts”. In Bolzano, during the Italian Championships, selection for the World Championships, the Past President Giacomo Santini, acting on delegation of President Zappelli, signed the official document that constitutes a ‘declaration of intent for the launch of a joint venture’.
The event took place under the direction of IDF CEO Marco Tomasini and in the presence of numerous national and regional presidents and guests from different parts of the world.
The sport, in fact, has an extraordinary spread in terms of numbers of subscribers and participants at crowded events, such as the one in Bolzano. While the agreement was being signed, over four thousand players were competing in the halls of the Bolzano Fairgrounds.
The signed document emphasises the many ethical similarities between Panathlon and the IDF, especially about fair play during competitions, which are very animated.
Particularly significant are the chapters highlighting the rejection of all doping practices, forms of racism, violence, and discrimination based on gender and skin colour.
On the other hand, the commitment to openness to all and to the inclusion also of those who suffer from forms of psychophysical disadvantage is emphasised.
The planning of the joint venture includes forms of cooperation in both sports and cultural events with seminars inspired by common values.