Tuesday, 24 October 2023 10:01

A perpetual calendar for a Fair Play world

A perpetual calendar for a Fair Play world 

Created on the occasion of World Fair Play Day, this new original tool provides 365 practical examples reminding us that Fair-Play is a fundamental value in our daily lives that needs to be integrated in the field of sport, school or, more generally, citizenship.
This calendar shows that each of us has a role to play in changing the rules, whether as a sportsman, a coach, a referee, a supporter, a volunteer, a manager, a teacher, a physical education professor, a school official, a parent, a public official or an institution. Each day of the calendar features a practical example accompanied by an illustration or a scannable QR/link code which provides further information.

Click here to download the Calendar (available in English and French)


3rd Transnational Project Meeting of Sport Against Match-Fixing Consortium in Vilnius, Lithuania

Panathlon International is one of the Partners of the Consortium that is working on the Erasmus+ Project, Sport Against Match-Fixing (SAMF) which is a funded by the EU.

As part of the Project Agreement, the Partners gathered in Vilnius (Lithuania) from 28th of September to 30th of September for the third transnational project meeting (TPM).

On the 28th of September the Partners were welcomed by the Lithuania Football Federation (LFF), who organized the session, the hotel, as well as the meeting auditorium. After a warm welcome by the LFF, Sport Evolution Alliance (SEA) presented the SAMF Project to all of the present participants in the room. Apart from the Consortium Partners, the Ambassadors nominated by all Partners also travelled and participated to this meeting.

One of the key objectives of this meeting was to form and educate the Ambassadors, as they were chosen by the respective Partners. These Ambassadors will have to perform three Multiplier Sport Events (with minimum of 30 Athletes and duration of 1 hour). In total, Panathlon International had to nominate three Ambassadors and all of them will, with the help of Panathlon International, have to perform three events. Panathlon International’s Ambassadors are: Barbara Rossi (Panathlon Club Pesaro, Italy), Gwenda Stevens (Panathlon EU Brussels, Belgium) and Reinhard Seigner (Panathlon Club Graz, Austria).

After SEA’s presentation, all Ambassadors were asked to present themselves and explain their relation to sports, which was followed by a presentation of all of the deliverables that have been concluded so far, especially:

1) Comic Book - https://sportagainstmatchfixing.com/comic-book/

2) Toolkit - https://sportagainstmatchfixing.com/toolkit-download-in-your-own-language/

3) Poster - https://sportagainstmatchfixing.com/posters/

4) Videos - https://sportagainstmatchfixing.com/videos-first-person-stories/

5) Adapted Comic Books and Posters for Basketball – (link not available yet)

6) SAMF Game – (unfortunately, the Game is not yet available and couldn’t therefore be shown)

During these presentations, different questions were presented by the Ambassadors and which led to interesting debates and discussions by all of the participants.

After the presentation of all of the deliverables that have been produced, a Kahoot Game was done, which was oriented to the Match-Fixing topic and also to the previous points that were represented and all Participants took part in the Kahoot Game, which resulted in a very relaxing and funny moment for all of the participants.

The 28th of September was concluded with a tour guide through the old town of Vilnius, which was followed by a Dinner, organized by the LFF.

On the 29th of September, the Partners gathered in the early morning to proceed with the Sustainability activity, which is already an integral part of these meeting: planting trees to reduce the carbon footprint that all Partners leave by having to travel by plane. This activity is always a great opportunity for all of the Partners to come together and collectively contribute to the enhancement of their ecological footprint.

After this activity, the Partners met back at the Auditorium to discuss the Final Conference in Lisbon, which is scheduled to occur in April 2024. During this presentation it was stressed out by the Portuguese Football Federation (Coordinating Partner of the Consortium) that this Final Conference will be attended by international renown Stakeholders (e.g. UEFA, Political Authorities, etc.) and therefore requested all the Partners to suggest renown international Stakeholders, that are related to this topic and that can contribute to the elevation and dissemination of this Project.

Representing Panathlon International, Patrick Van Campenhout and Fábio Figueiras also participated in this meetings and actively contributed to the different discussions that were held during the day. It is important to mention, that Simona Callo, Monica Rossi, Patrick Van Campenhout and Fábio Figueiras have been actively working on SAMF by contributing to the different deliverables that have been agreed in the Project Agreement (amongst others, Toolkit elaboration, Focus Group organisation and conduction, different translations of Comic Book, Toolkits, Poster and other materials) and by also participating in the monthly online meetings of the Consortium.

Fábio Figueiras

Click here for the photogallery






From left to right: Gwenda Stevens (PC Belgium & PI Ambassador), Reinhard Seigner (PC Austria & PI Ambassador), Barbara Rossi (PC Italy & PI Ambassador), Fábio Figueiras (PI), Patrick Van Campenhout (PI), Juliane Robra (PC Switzerland & SEA Ambassador)


Thursday, 07 September 2023 10:50

Institutional Meetings - Panathlon International

The on-line Meetings of the Working Group for the Ethics Commission and of the President's Committee were held on 28th and 29th of August.

The Ethics Commission Working Group, appointed by the International Board and composed of: Pierre Zappelli International President, Giorgio Costa President of District Italy, Peter Wütrich President of District Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Mavi Tizón Member of Panathlon Club Lima and Simona Callo Secretary General, met for the second time in on-line meeting to discuss about one of the requirements provided by the IOC also for the Recognised Associations like PI, to have an Ethics Commission and to adopt a Code of Ethics in order to fall within the parameters of good Governance. 

The participants at the meeting then discussed the role, composition, and purpose of this new Commission to be established by the International Board. 

At the end of the meeting, the participants then undertook to produce a document summarising what had emerged, to be presented to the International Board, also highlighting the next steps to be taken in order to arrive at the adoption of a Code of Ethics for PI by the supreme body of our Movement, namely the General Assembly which, we recall, will meet in Agrigento on 14-15 June 2024.  

The following day, the meeting of the PI President's Committee was held, on-line again. 

Among the various items on the agenda, the participants dwelt on the commitments that have involved the Presidency and the General Secretariat since the last meeting on 6 June. 

They focused on the activities related to the Erasmus project "Sport Against Match Fixing", which will see three PI ambassadors/panathletes, together with the project coordinators (Fabio Figueiras and Patrick Van Camphenout), take part in the next meeting scheduled to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, at the end of September.

From this last meeting, before the final event in May 2024, the materials (brochures, comics, videos, etc.) and the results of the project will be finalised.

Other points under discussion, alongside the usual financial audits, were:  the constitution of the Argentine District, the realisation of a recognition for Godfather Clubs and for Members with panathletic seniority, the organisation of the next institutional meetings to be held on the occasion of the Pan-American Congress of Guayquil in Equador, the fulfilments related to the organisation of the General Assembly and the Congress of Agrigento, the arrangements for the presence of PI at the next Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the verification of Statutes received from Clubs, requests for patronage, the contacts made with new Nations and International Federations and other topics to be followed up and developed, as well as the participation in upcoming international and Club events by the President or his delegates.

Please note that all IB and PC resolutions will be sent to District Presidents and Governors, and visible to Clubs in the reserved section of our institutional website following their translation into French and English.




Wednesday, 09 August 2023 11:17

EWOS 2023 online meeting

Tuesday 8 August, the General Secretariat of PI, in the person of Barbara Aste, and the International Board Member Paul Standaert participated in the "demo" organised by #Beactive for the European Week of Sport 2023 that will take place from 23 to 30 September.
The demo was presented to guide NCBs (National Coordinating Bodies) and Partners through the process of submitting and validating events for the European Week of Sport. The demo aims to simplify the process of submission and validation of events and is of interest to all organisers.

Panathlon International has granted its patronage to the Italian Chessboxing  Federation, organiser of the World Chessboxing Championships, which will take place in Riccione from 28 October to 2 November 2023.


"Una vita in alto" di Sara Simeoni, campionessa olimpica di salto in alto e Marco Franzelli, giornalista e volto della tv, ha vinto il 60° Premio Bancarella Sport ricevendo 140 voti.
La cerimonia di consegna si è tenuta il 15 Luglio a Pontremoli (Massa Carrara), condotta dal giornalista Paolo Liguori, con la presenza del Presidente della Fondazione Città del Libro, Ignazio Landi e il Presidente del Distretto Italia del Panathlon Giorgio Costa.
Nel pomeriggio è stato assegnato dal Distretto Italia il Premio Panathlon 2023 "Non puoi fidarti di gente così", storia della squadra di rugby che sfidò l'Apartheid, dell’autore Massimo Calandri e il Premio "Sportiva...mente", il concorso letterario dedicato alle classi quarte e quinte della scuola primaria ideato e realizzato dall'Area 06 - Toscana.


Published in News from Districts

The monthly meeting with the Working Group for the project Erasums - SAMF -Sport Against Match Fixing of which Panathlon International is partner was held on-line on Thursday 29 June 2023.
The Working group discussed the progress of the works for the realisation of pedagogical tools, educational material and the realisation of videos on the subject. 
They also talked about the organisation of the next meeting to be held in Vilnius (Lithuania) during which there will be, among other things, the presentation of materials and the training of ambassadors who will spread, among young people and students, the results of the project.
Two PI delegates and three members (Club of Belgium Italy and Austria) will attend the event as ambassadors on behalf of Panathlon International.



Giovedì 22 giugno alle 17.30 la Piazzetta di Portofino ha ospitato la presentazione, curata dal Ignazio Landi - Presidente della Fondazione del Libro, dei sei libri finalisti del Premio “Bancarella Sport”, 60ª edizione. L’iniziativa del Panathlon Distretto Italia è stata un successo ed ha visto la presenza di numerosi panathleti e autorità pubbliche. (nella foto: da sx Vittorio Siranni (giornalista)– Simona Ferro (assessore allo sport Regione Liguria)- Giorgio Costa (Presidente DI) – Ignazio Landi)


Published in News from Districts

Panathlon International Board Member Patrick Van Campenhout has been elected President of the European Wushu Federation (IWUF).
He also acts as chairman of Panathlon International's Expansion Commission and actively participates in the PI's Erasmus projects. Many congratulations on this well-deserved recognition.


The annual Forum on Sport and Human Rights will be organised by the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) in cooperation with the Data Protection Unit.
This forum will aim at creating an exchange between specialists from different fields, addressing emerging human rights challenges in a sport context, enabling closer cooperation and exploring avenues for further action. It will be structured around four themes focusing on performance analysis and predictive technologies, international information exchange, personal data in anti-doping, facial recognition and crowd control.
Panathlon International will attend this event online.


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa