After the opening session of the 16th Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport of the Council of Europe and the introductory session focused on the revision of the European Charter for Sport (5 November 2020), the third online session of this conference ("Human rights in sport") took place on Monday 7 December (10.00-11.30 CET). 

The session was open only to invited delegations and observers, for Panathlon International participated the General Secretary Simona Callo. 

This introductory session was moderated by André-Noël Chaker and included insights into human rights issues such as the right to a fair trial, the protection of children and the economic and social rights of athletes. Speakers included:

Tiina Kivisaari, Director of Sport, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 

Marko Bošnjak, Judge, European Court of Human Rights 

Claudia Bokel, President of the German Fencing Federation, former President of the IOC Athletes Commission 

Pierre Cornu, President, Foundation Board, International Centre for Sport Studies (CIES) 

The session was opened by Lefteris Avgenakis, Deputy Minister for Culture and Sport, Greece


Thursday, 03 December 2020 10:35


On the 1st of December, in an atmosphere of great collaboration, the first meeting of the Working Group was held by videoconference. It coordinates the World Fair Play Day set on the 7th of September of each year. 

Present were the Club of Wallonie-Brussels, promoter of the event, the Head of the International Fair Play Committee, the President and Secretary of EFPM and for Panathlon International the General Secretary Simona Callo.

Several items on the agenda. From the coordination of the group, to the diffusion of the Manifesto from the management of the web site to the promotion campaign, from the celebration of the event in 2021 to the actions to be taken.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Club of Wallonie Brussels, Philippe Housiaux thanked everyone for the team spirit shown and concluded by saying that " .... we all know that there is a lot of work to do, but we are already speaking the "language of fair play", the most precious of all the languages of the world (and not only in the world of sport)".

The second meeting has already been scheduled for January 2021 in order to update the progress of the work. 




49th Elective General Meeting - Panathlon International - Meeting with Zoom -Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 9.30 AM (Rome) will be held at the Theatre "La nuova Fenice" in Osimo (AN) the 49th Elective Meeting of Panathlon International.

The following reports will be discussed and voted: moral of the International Board, organizational of the General Secretary, economic-financial and patrimonial of the Treasurer for the two-year period 2018/2019 and the report of the Auditor’s Committee (A.C.).

In addition, the budget for the two-year period 2021/2022 will be presented and voted on, as well as the reasoned Proposal by the International Board with regard to the amount of social fees for the two years following the current one.

Afterwards, the following international offices will be elected: President, International Board, Auditor’s Committee (AC) and Constitution and Arbitration Board (CAB).

This is the first time that clubs belonging to countries/districts with restrictions due to the health emergency will be able to vote by postal voting.


To follow live the Meeting, please follow the instructions below:

Topic: PANATHLON International - Osimo-

Time: 17 Oct 2020 07:30 AM Rome

Enter the meeting with Zoom 

ID Meeting ID: 873 2092 8011


Passcode: 17102020






Wednesday, 30 September 2020 13:19

Reconocimiento a Henrique Nicolini



Los panathletas de América reunidos en forma virtual rindieron homenaje al  extinto Profesor Henrique Nicolini .Inicialmente se dió lectura al mensaje enviado por el Presidente del P.I..Pierre Zapelli recordando al gran panathleta.     Pese a que hoy no está físicamente con nosotros ,su ejemplo y trabajo siguen siendo los pilares fundamentales para el movimiento panathletico americano..

Posteriormente el Presidente del Distrito Brasil,Profesor Pedro De Souza relató con una excelente conferencia , la actividad del deporte comunitario llevada a cabo por el Distrito Brasil con una gran capacidad de despliegue territorial y dedicación pnathletica.

Con esta Conferencia Virtual todos los clubes y Distritos  completan un ciclo que se inició hace cuatro meses y lleva más de 10 reuniones por via ZOOM. Se continuarán hasta fin de este año alternando a todos nuevamente.

Published in News from Districts
Thursday, 10 September 2020 09:30

World Fair Play Day - 7 September 2020

World Fair Play Day - 7 September 2020

In the heart of Brussels, the first World Fair Play Day was celebrated in the Gothic Hall of the City Hall.

Dearly organised by the Panathlon Club of Wallonie-Brussels, it was attended by the highest authorities of Belgium who enthusiastically greeted this day with the hope that it could become a world and media reference point for ethical actions and correct behaviour in sports competitions.

Present for Panathlon International was Secretary General Simona Callo, who greeted the bystanders. 

"It is with great pleasure that I am here to represent President Pierre Zappelli and Panathlon International in this magnificent venue.

We are here to promote an event, I would say epoch-making, that marks the will of the three largest international organisations dealing with Fair Play, to give life to a World Day: from now on, September 7th will be a reference point for all athletes and not only, to recall, reaffirm and promote the values of ethics and Fair Play of which we are convinced supporters and proponents.

A will made even more peculiar by the health crisis of Covid-19 that has not stopped us and that sees us united here to start a new path, strengthen our collaborations and contribute, through the common language of Fair Play, to improve the society in which we live.

I am therefore pleased to present the speech that the President of Panathlon International has dedicated to this event. 


Photogallery (Igor Pliner (Belgian Press photograph)



Designated by the selection committee

Here are the six finalists of the Bancarella Sport 2020  

Now the "Grand jury" will designate the winner and then the proclamation in Pontremoli  

If sport was blocked by the coronavirus the same did not happen for the selection committee of the 57th Bancarella Sport Award which met remotely. There were about forty participating works to examine, from which to choose the six finalists. 

Six varied finalists have been chosen as usual. 

The Commission of Choice, composed of President Paolo Francia, Massimo Arcidiacono, Giuseppe Benelli, Giovanni Bruno, Danilo Di Tommaso, Luigi Ferraiolo, Ignazio Landi, Roberto Lazzarelli, Paolo Liguori, Angelo Panassi, Giacomo Santini, Giovanni Tarantola, Ivan Zazzaroni, has been able to express particular appreciation for the following books: 

• GIOANNBRERAFUCARLO. GIANNI BRERA, SECONDO ME, written by Andrea Maietti, edited by Bolis Edizioni;

• IL TENNIS L’HA INVENTATO IL DIAVOLO, written by Adriano Panatta with Daniele Azzolini, edited by  Sperling & Kupfer; 

• LA PARTITA, written by Piero Trellini, edited by Mondadori;


• RICKY ALBERTOSI. ROMANZO POPOLARE DI UN PORTIERE, written by Collettivo Soriano, curated by Massimiliano Castellani, edited by Urbone Publishing;

• VOLEVO SOLO NUOTARE (200.000 BRACCIATE CON RACHELE BRUNI), written by Luca Farinotti, edited by Artingenio. 

The chosen ones will now move on to the final stage and will be sent to the "Great Jury". The votes of the independent booksellers belonging to the two organizing Associations of the Bancarella Awards, combined with those of the voters designated by the Panathlon District Italy and the usual personalities of the sports world and journalism, will come via secret electronic card, to the Notary of the Prize, Dr. Sara Rivieri who will decide in public session the absolute Winner.

On the same day, the journalism prize "Bruno Raschi" will be awarded to Beppe Conti.

The "Bruno Raschi" award, established in memory and homage to "the Divine", is awarded every year, since 2005, to a journalist who in his career has marked, innovated, reread, the way of doing sports news. Beppe Conti, born in Turin, was and is the signature of cycling. For his background as a journalist of the Gazzetta dello Sport and Tuttosport and his passion for cycling, he is counted among the most experienced storytellers of the tiring and wonderful feats on two wheels.

He has participated as a commentator on television broadcasts on the Giro d'Italia and the Tour de France. 

He has written numerous cycling books.



Thursday, 05 September 2019 15:32

IOC - Report activities

As every year, Panathlon International has prepared and sent to the IOC its report on the activities.

It is part, as a recognized association, of the Olympic Family since 1982 which supports in the actions concordant with the purposes of the panathletic movement.  

Thursday, 09 April 2020 12:41

International Board Communication

The International Board of Panathlon International, which met by video conference on 3 April 2020, expresses to all Panathletes of the 30 nations in which it is present and to their families, its closeness and solidarity at this time so devastating for society and for the sporting world. A special thought goes to the Italian Panathletes who first had to fight the gruelling battle of the pandemic from the Covid-19 and are still committed to eradicating this invisible and insidious enemy.

The IB has learned of the generosity that many Panathlon Clubs have shown by raising funds for hospitals and for the purchase of vital sanitary materials. To these Clubs it expresses its satisfaction and thanks. These actions prove, once again, how much Panathlon is at the service of the community.

Finally, it wishes the best fortunes for all, inviting all Panathletes to keep in touch and stay close even if they are so far away. The IB is convinced that the positive values of sport, team spirit, tenacity and endurance will help Panathlon to overcome this moment to start again with renewed awareness and enthusiasm.

Ludis Iungit!


Tuesday, 07 April 2020 10:55

FairPlay Call For Youth Art Contest

The International Fair Play Committee is calling children and youth around the World to encourage them to participate in a virtual children's drawings exhibition. 

„Due to the pandemic, doctors recommend staying at home is the most effective protection to prevent further spread of the Coronavirus. This affects not only adults but also children. Many schools are closed, kids are locked into their homes, where the entertainment options are limited. To facilitate the useful time and to make parents' tasks a little easier International Fair Play Committee announces a drawing exhibition for children. We are waiting for artworks from the very young kids to the juniors that express prevention, attention to each other, play, and generally Fair Play. Thank you for sharing the attached Call on your website or social media channels! Take Care of Yourself!” – Dr. Jenő Kamuti, President of the International Fair Play Committee. 

The call is available on and our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels.


Réunion institutionnelle

La réunion du Conseil International aura lieu aujourd’hui 3 avril de 14h30 (heure italienne) à 17h30 par télématique.


Appuntamento istituzionale 

La riunione del Consiglio Internazionale si terrà oggi 3 aprile dalle ore 14.30 (ora italiana) alle 17.30 in via telematica.


Institutional meeting 

The meeting of the International Board will be held today 3 April from 2.30pm (Italian time) to 5.30pm by telematics.


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa