Panathlon Club Juiz de Fora - Prêmio Mérito Esportivo Panathlon
O Panathlon Club Juiz de Fora, realiza a mais de 40 anos o Prêmio Mérito Esportivo Panathlon, e os 23 contemplados receberam no dia 27 de novembro, no Auditório da Fiemg, no bairro Industrial, a mais tradicional e valorizada homenagem ao esporte de Juiz de Fora e região
A escolha dos agraciados foi baseada em indicações dos próprios associados do Panathlon e em eventuais consultas às informações divulgadas pelos veículos de comunicação.
São atletas, treinadores, árbitros, entidades, clubes além dos atletas do passado, que de alguma forma projetaram Juiz de Fora no cenário esportivo. O destaque deste ano foi para Gabriel de Araújo, que conquistou três medalhas de ouro nas Olimpíadas de Paris.
Euro News 26 & 27 November 2024 - Brussels -“Beactive Awards”
On Tuesday 26 November, the gala evening of the ‘beactive awards’ took place in
the presence of Mrs Ahrenkilde Hansen,director General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture European Commission and Mrs Floor Van Houdt , Head of EAC Unit Sport.
Paul Standaert, was present at the gala evening and the debriefing as representative of the International Board and President Chinellato.
Four awards were presented during the gala evening.
Prof Em Thierry Zintz, past member of Panathlon’ s scientific commission was member of the jury that granted an award to:
- Sport Union Austria, Education award
- Metropole de Lyon France, Workplace award
- Fundacj Rozwoju Sportu Poland, Across Generation award
- Allessio Bernabò Italy, Local Hero award
The evening was followed by a interesting keynote address by former Olympic Gold Fencing, Dr Diana Bianchedi, Chief Strategy Planning &Legacy Milano Cortina 2026.
As always, this event was a fine opportunity to connect with sport enthusiasts from EU countries.
The following morning was the debriefing of the 2024 European Week of Sport. This year was the participation record was again broken.
In 24 countries, 15 million persons have participated at one of the 50.000 Events.
Panathlon International is partner of EWOS since 2015. Since 2020 the PI clubs have accelerated their participation, and the Italian Panathlon Clubs are in the lead. More than 20 Italian clubs organized an event in participation of EWOS.
Paul Standaert is grateful to all the clubs and their presidents in joining this European initiative.
The workplan for 2024-2027 was presented with a focus on three domains:
-integrity and values in sport
-social economic and sustainable dimension of sport
-participation in sport and healthy enhancing physical activity
In 2025 EU will celebrate the 10th anniversary of this great initiative.
As this will be a special year for EWOS, Panathlon could develop an one common initiative that unites clubs all over Europe in EWOS 2025.
Panathlon Club Sorocaba - Troféu de Mérito Esportivo
Panathlon entrega Troféu de Mérito Esportivo para o Medalhista Olímpico Isaquias Queiroz
O Panathlon Club Sorocaba através dos panathletas Pedro Roberto Pereira de Souza e Ademir de Barros entregou o Troféu de Mérito Esportivo para o Medalhista Olimpíco, o canoísta Isaquias Queiroz.
Ele trouxe para Sorocaba não apenas sua experiência em um bate-papo com crianças e adultos, mas também o remo e o caiaque usados durante as Olimpíadas de Paris, e o símbolo maior da disputa: a medalha de prata. O encontro ocorreu ontem (27) no Sesc local durante a Semana Move, que uniu até uma demonstração ao vivo na piscina da unidade e deixou o público entusiasmado.
Pouco antes de responder as mais variadas perguntas, principalmente da garotada (algumas sobre a olimpíada mais desafiadora, como manter a saúde mental, por que a canoagem, como manter o ritmo, entre outras questões), o atleta conversou com a imprensa e contou que, apesar de sonhar e se esforçar muito para o reconhecimento que tem, estar com o público e receber todo esse carinho é gratificante.
“Eu já estou ‘meio acostumado’ a ganhar medalha, mas não é sempre que a gente vem em um evento como esse podendo estar com as crianças. O reconhecimento que eu recebo é como ’rapaz, que gostoso essa energia, é diferente’. O carinho da torcida brasileira é sem igual”, comentou.
Panathlon Club Buenos Aires - Premio Fair Play
Domingo 18 de agosto, se llevó a cabo el Campeonato Juvenil en el Tiro Federal de Buenos Aires
Eva Szabo Presidente del Panathlon Club Buenos Aires estuvo presente y entregó el Premio Fair Play por su actitud deportiva a Feliciano Casiraghi, del Tiro Federal de Olavarría.
Panathlon Club Lausanne - De Prangins à Macolin avec la classe lauréate des 20KM
Une journée de joie a été offerte à la classe méritante qui a couru les 20KM de Lausanne 2024. Dans le but de promouvoir l’activité physique auprès des jeunes, les organisateurs de la 2e course à pied la plus populaire de Suisse ont mis sur pieds depuis plusieurs années le «Prix des classes».
Le Panathlon Club de Lausanne (PCL) récompense le groupe scolaire ayant le plus fort pourcentage de jeunes participant·es. La classe lauréate est désignée par l’organisateur des 20KM.
Panathlon International Club Luzern - Prix Chapeau
Der Panathlon-Club Luzern ehrt Sina Arnet
Die 18-jährige Engelbergerin erhält den Prix Chapeau. Sie ist eine Hoffnungsträgerin im Skispringen. Das Preisgeld will sie in den Sport investieren.
Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner zeichnen sich im Sport durch aussergewöhnliche Leistungen, durch die Bewältigung einer besonderen Herausforderung oder durch Ausdauer und Beharrlichkeit aus. Als Preisträgerin für das Jahr 2023 wurde die Skispringerin Sina Arnet (Bild) erkoren. Die Bekanntgabe erfolgte letzte Woche an der Generalversammlung des Panathlon-Clubs.
We would like to remind all members that the European Week of Sport 2023 will start on Saturday 23 September!
We would like to remind all members that the European Week of Sport 2023 will start on Saturday 23 September!
The European Week of Sport will take place from Saturday 23 to Saturday 30, with the aim of promoting sport, healthy lifestyles and the physical and mental well-being of all European citizens. EWoS will take place simultaneously in 40 European countries!
Organise an event and send a report with videos and photos to the General Secretariat and we will publish your material on our website and social media!
EWOS 2023 online meeting
Tuesday 8 August, the General Secretariat of PI, in the person of Barbara Aste, and the International Board Member Paul Standaert participated in the "demo" organised by #Beactive for the European Week of Sport 2023 that will take place from 23 to 30 September.
The demo was presented to guide NCBs (National Coordinating Bodies) and Partners through the process of submitting and validating events for the European Week of Sport. The demo aims to simplify the process of submission and validation of events and is of interest to all organisers.
The European Week of Sport is back! - EWoS
The new #BeActive campaign is ready to start and the European Week of Sport 2023 is coming soon!
Save the date: 23-30 September.
#BeActive, the EU campaign that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle in Europe and beyond, is back in its 9th edition.
Sport in any form, at all ages and for everybody: this is the message of #BeActive, for healthier citizens and happier people.
Events in 40 countries, activities of many kinds, such as contests and challenges, but most of all, millions of people getting together and having fun thanks to sport.
Panathlon Clubs, always sensitive to this initiative, are invited to participate again this year (see circular). We look forward to your participation!
EWoS 2022 Be Active - Club Napoli e Neapolis dell’Area 11 - Campania
Il torneo di bocce organizzato per la Settimana Europea dello Sport dai Club Napoli e Neapolis dell’Area 11 Campania del Panathlon International-distretto Italia, ha visto vincitore Vincenzo Petrocco già grande dirigente CONI e accompagnatore per più Olimpiadi della Nazionale Azzurra di pesistica.
Un momento conviviale finale nel complesso agrituristico “Oasi di Baia” ha concluso la serata.